How to auto-mount hard drives in Ubuntu

How to auto-mount hard drives in Ubuntu

List partitions and note the name and UUID of the partition you want to mount

sudo lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,UUID

Sample output:

NAME                      FSTYPE      UUID
├─sda1                    vfat        7158-C80D
├─sda2                    ext4        639f097b-6b4e-4c93-b91e-29e219e5ddce
└─sda3                    LVM2_member mslNSe-6uVU-aw3U-Ea0a-joV6-LWuk-rBMmiP
  └─ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv ext4        3abbffb9-14b2-4fbf-8dde-3e42229703a0
├─sdb1                    vfat        67E3-17ED
└─sdb2                    exfat       63A9-53A7
├─sdc1                    vfat        67E3-17ED
└─sdc2                    exfat       5FD2-E063
├─sdd1                    vfat        FC3B-1B14
├─sdd3                    ntfs        1AFA3FBEFA3F94CB
├─sdd4                    ntfs        E8F83347F8331374
└─sdd5                    ntfs        0C7A2E077A2DEE60

Create a mount point

mkdir /mnt/myDisk

Edit fstab:

sudo nano /etc/fstab

On the bottom, add a line like this for each partition you want to automount

UUID=<partition uuid> /mnt/myDisk auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0

Test the new config by this command

sudo mount -a 

There should be no errors if the config is good. Reboot your machine.